Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Welcome to The Compost.

Welcome to this humble - and perhaps rather odd - blog entitled The Compost whose inspiration is drawn from many quarters, but in particular it is drawn from the humble compost heap, hence the name. There are few things of equal interest to such a place, hidden away in a corner, contemporaneously completely inoffensive and totally offensive. In this place, matter completes a circuit from death to decay and eventually, perhaps, to life again. Compost brings nourishment and life to all soils regardless of their level of fertility. You might choose to reflect on whether the simile inherent in the title chosen for this blog makes us actually far from humble, but quite ambitious indeed.

With this notion in mind, our goals are several. A major vision or concept we hold is that books (and magazines, and even newspapers) ought to be in circulation in pretty much the same way money is, and most usefully and accessibly so by a process of ‘barter’ facilitated by book-swaps (see our ideas here) which may be either for charitable or commercial ends.

Another aim is to be a champion for the facilitation of reading (and viewing, let us not forget) on a broad range of topics, for the widest possible range of people.

This blog will also seek to be a crucible for a group of readers and writers (however small or large remains to be seen) to share their work, musings, ideas, observations and adventures.

The net as well as print throws up lots of gems, many of which will feature here.

While we at The Compost are clearly aligned with the wonders of computers and the World Wide Web, we are here to celebrate all that is magnificent in the tradition of print and culture in general.


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